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Image by Jude Beck

About Us

About Us: Welcome

Who are we?

Christadelphians are a worldwide group of Christians whose aim is to follow as closely as possible the teachings of Jesus and his Apostles. The Bible is our foundation through which we can get to know the wonderful God who has created the heavens and the earth and His son Jesus Christ.

Our hope is for the return of Jesus to the earth as king when the world will once again be in perfect harmony with all God’s creation and where eventually God Himself will be among men.

Jesus told his followers to preach the gospel, the good news about the kingdom of God, to all creation and so our goal is to help people discover the amazing truth that we can all find in the bible. It is our hope and prayer that this website will help you in your search for the promises God has made to us all!

We meet every Sunday at #08-07, 150 Orchard Road Singapore, Singapore 238841at 10.30AM.

We invite you to use the Contact Us page on this website if you would like to join us in any of these activities or if you are interested in obtaining further information about our community and beliefs.

About Us: Our Values
Ship's Wheel

Christadelphians: A Brief History

Many believers since the apostles have held the same faith as the Christadelphians. There have been countless independ­ent communities around the world who have eagerly studied the Bible and accepted its simple teachings.
The name ‘Christadelphian' came into existence during the mid-1800's. In 1830, an English physician named John Thomas sailed to America. On the voyage, the ship met some unexpected bad weather and nearly sank. For the first time, Dr Thomas faced the reality of his own mortality and was dismayed to discover that he was not sure what lay beyond death. In the midst of the storm, he vowed that, should he survive, he would not rest until he had found a satisfactory answer.
He did survive and kept his vow, beginning a life-long search for the truth. It soon became evident to him that many of the doctrines that were popularly taught and believed were inconsistent with the Bible. Dissatisfied, Dr Thomas devoted himself to a careful independent study of the Scriptures. He made no claim to any vision or personal revelation.
The work of Dr Thomas attracted the support of others in America and Britain who were convinced of the truth of his conclusions. Together they formed the Christadelphian community. Since then, Christadelphian ecclesias (churches) have continued to be established in  countries around the world.

About Us: About
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